About Us

ArtCave was born from an idea by Sergio Azzellino Designer who after more than twenty years living abroad, in the USA, France, Switzerland, the Middle East, China, returning to Italy in Canosa di Puglia, his hometown, decided to enhance it with his brother Leonardo Creative Advertising is an asset owned by the family. An ancient wine and oil factory attached to caves created from a huge Roman cistern. The concept is to enhance this space by combining it with their professions, design, art, graphics, painting, photography... We consider that both design and gastronomy, photography, craftsmanship belong to the world artistic being the fruit of human creativity, what better place than these ancient and historic spaces to contain all this creativity? Puglia is a region that is full of creativity. From this concept ArtCave was born. Sergio begins to create and present a series of design objects he creates, ranging from ceramics to lamps to jewellery, indulging in many materials, shapes and colours. ArtCave is an ever-growing collection of designs. Many creations are one-offs and others can be produced in small series and are made to order. ArtCave is a place of inspiration open to all. ArtCave, art under your feet.